“There is not enough money in the world to shut us up,” Mark angrily told Harvey Weinstein soon after TRANCE Formation of America became a best selling whistleblower’s book of its time. Originally intended for Congress,TRANCE had reached the public sector and word was spreading fast, catching the attention of Hollywood.
Mark and I remained skeptical that Hollywood was actually capable of releasing truth on mind control. Both of us had cause to know how the media was manipulated to suppress pertinent facts while socially engineering the populace, and Hollywood was complicit on all levels from entertainment to so-called news.
Nevertheless, upon the request of Harvey Weinstein, Mark and I had flown to Las Vegas to meet with him at the MGM Grand. We opted to meet in the lobby for security purposes, which had already inflamed Weinstein who was obviously used to having his own way.
Weinstein began by offering to buy the rights to TRANCE Formation of America and make it into a movie. Mark apprised him of laws governing whistleblowers’ testimony where the 1947 National Security Act was involved, and declined his offer accordingly. Indeed, we could retire comfortably for the rest of our lives on what we were being offered, yet the price we would pay for accepting it was more. For us, silence equals death and we chose to maintain our rights to TRANCE, and thus our rights to speak out as US Government Whistleblowers.
Weinstein assured us he would maintain the integrity of the information while making it more understandable to viewers. Wise to the ways of censorship, Mark questioned how he would handle information on Bill and Hillary Clinton considering Bill Clinton was President at that time. Furious that he was being questioned, Weinstein revealed that their names would be omitted along with others. As Mark and I gathered our documentation to leave our brief meeting with Harvey Weinstein, he offered to pay us even more for what we deemed containment.
Mark replied to Harvey Weinstein the same way he had replied to feds who offered to buy us out, “There is not enough money in the world to shut us up.”