My website is being updated in keeping with life’s changes, while my healing truth and life’s purpose, like my testimony for over 35 years, is still the same.
Mark’s passing in 2017 taught me I am capable of unlimited strength and growth. I consciously chose to carry Mark with me, allowing my heart to overflow in light of his love rather than break in two, while honoring him every step of the way by standing strong through healing methods he taught me. We all have been blessed with resiliency of body, mind and spirit. Mark’s wise teachings and love are ever-present with me, Still.
My life’s potential and possibilities continue to rise to new heights as I expand my thought, explore new possibilities, and grow in light of truth. My former assistant left long ago, inspiring me to exercise my brain and voice in new ways of technology, business, and finance. Thank you for your patience as I re-structure offering my signed books through this website. For now, links to my books and documentary provided here are closely monitored by me, and I even narrated my audible books myself to ensure integrity of information received. Be aware that pirated free eBooks on the internet continue to be reported as altered while violating copyright laws. Please support my work here through my website where truth is secured Still.
My life is filled with miracles and opportunities whether I am traveling and speaking out in communities nationwide or peacefully enjoying my home, pets, and nature with my daughter Kelly. It brings me great joy to see Kelly exercising her voice through articles and art she is inspired to produce and share, while living true to her soul away from social media devices. Kelly and I have waited a lifetime individually and together for the ultimate justice of positive change through public awareness. Awareness is rising, and we are encouraged by the global Great Awakening as humanity reclaims their own power by remembering who they are and why they are here. Kelly and I, each in our own way, remain dedicated to raising awareness while we await that ultimate justice of positive, necessary change Still.
Your kind support empowers our voice as Kelly and I navigate imposed psy ops amidst economic challenges to secure integrity of information. Censorship, identity theft, and book pirating intended to underMind truth is a battle that must and will be won with your support.
Our nation’s children are counting on We the People to arm ourselves and each other with knowledge that is our defense against mind control so we can effectively protect them from further manipulation, indoctrination, and trafficking. What we are seeing these days is not new-what is new is that we are seeing it. Our children cannot wait for this corrupt system to clean up. They need us to take effective action now in light of truth that makes us free.
When people lead leaders follow. Join me as I continue to live the love I am in light of truth Still.