Divine Healing

Mark often said that Martial Artists beat out mind controlled assassins every time, since Martial Arts are driven from within the infinite strength of the human spirit while mind control is merely driven by outside influence.

 As stated in my previous podcast “Align with the Divine”, Mark was a master of Martial Arts capable of mind over matter and turning timeless energy to his advantage.

Masters of Martial Arts are masters of divine alignment of mind, brain, body and spirit to move faster than the eye can see “in time” to exert seemingly super human capabilities. Their injuries can heal before they form, so pain is not even in their equation.

MK Ultra programming of military special forces taps into this innate mind brain body function to direct hyper endurance and seemingly super human capabilities. These capabilities can include 44x visual acuity, heightened senses of hearing and smell, telepathy, remote viewing, and rapid healing capabilities. “No time to bleed” is an MK Ultra program that reaches deep into the part of the brain that controls heartbeat and breathing, whereby a soldier can take a bullet and keep going to complete his mission without bleeding.

Masters of Martial Arts access these innate abilities through knowing the ins and outs of their own mind brain body function from within themselves.  These birth right capabilities driven by the strength of the human spirit are far stronger than any outside influenced mind control program can inspire. 

How fortunate for us all that a man of Mark’s integrity and wisdom was working the highest levels of intelligence mind sciences to preserve the sanctity of free thought. He opposed the increasing governMental use of MK Ultra mind control on the military, on private citizens like myself, and on humanity as a whole. How fortunate for me that he retaliated by lifting my daughter Kelly and me right out of the Wash DC MK Ultra mind control human trafficking swamp in 1988.

Mark reminded me that it is within us all to heal from any level of trauma, abuse, grief, or control. Not only did he hand me keys to my mind as detailed in PTSD: Time to Heal, he also was an inspiration of resiliency of body mind and spirit by the way he lived his own life.

It is no wonder I was able to heal from 30 years of torturous MK Ultra mind control, reclaim my innate power, and evolve with knowledge that is our defense against mind control!

My experience healing from MK Ultra mind control required consciously aligning the divine with the ins and outs of my mind, brain, and body. I quickly learned that there is far more to me than my torturous programmers could think to take, and that what they used for their evil means I could freely use for good.

Reversing their negative into positive became easier and easier as I exercised my innate capability. Considering that trauma shuts down neuron pathways in the brain, it is easy to understand how love safely opens them. Since my spirit is love, that energy force driving my own brain opened my mind to new possibilities.

When Kelly was a prisoner in custody of so-called Child Protective Services, she still strived to integrate herself and heal from her MK Ultra experience. When she identified her core self as the light inside her, I encouraged her to consciously shine it brighter and brighter whenever she felt intruded upon-which occurred often in the corrupt system. While Kelly turned within herself to strengthen against outside influence by living true-to-soul, my self healing path was accelerated by love for her and by being in a supportive environment. 

“You have to know where you’ve been to know where you’re going,” Mark had wisely said when he pulled up to rescue me in his 1988 DeLorean. In order to get back to the future so-to-speak, I had to learn to be consciously present by writing out my past programming.

“Deprogram the program first,” Mark advised. “That will help you sort through programmed distortions and understand how your mind was manipulated to the extent that it underMind your free will choices.” By deprogramming the program first, I was even able to effectively diffuse death programming by overcoming instilled belief in light of innate truth of my own power.

What I began remembering allowed for me to understand innate mind brain function, and how powerful our mind is over our bodies. We have been conditioned for generations to look outside ourselves to Big Pharma, Big Gov, Big Tech, and Big Cult/Occult Religion to tell us how to live our lives. Even Faith Healers are only as powerful as their ability to make you believe and then blame it on your lack of faith when they fail.

When we remember who we are, why we are here, and align with the divine, there is no need for a middle man.  Outside influences lose their power over our thoughts and perceptions.

Re-read or re-listen to my Align with the Divine podcast to remember that timeless space of all possibility that Martial Arts Masters enter to move faster than the eye can see and access seemingly super human strength.

“No time to bleed” programming proves our brain’s ability to regulate blood flow is within reach. Considering it is within reach through outside influence, imagine what can be accomplished with conscious realization from within- driven by the strength of the human spirit and infinite power of love. This is what we have been blessed with all along and forgot! When people pray for healing, they forget that that prayer was already answered in Divine Time- that timeless space Martial Artists access to heal before injuries form. 

“No time for a virus” can empower well being and being well. Think about how often people feel ill while on vacation. It is because the body has been sending signals that have been ignored amidst life’s busyness, and finally makes itself heard when we take time off.  We can stay well when we consciously choose “No time for a virus” and stay attuned to well being.

Because I Align with the Divine all the “time”, I live in a constant state of gratitude in synchronistic flow with my life’s purpose. People often ask me how I can smile after all I have been through, and the answer is innate truth within our reach. It is not necessary to experience trauma like I did to realize how blessed we are.
The more you know the more you see that we can remember and exercise our birthright healing abilities.  We can heal a wound in no time, for example, when we relax our minds and focus on when the affected area was well and know it is that again. Energy flows where focus goes, so gently shift your mind to the opposite limb or side of the body where you are well and strong. This sends further healing signals to the affected area to accept that it is well. Mind over matter. It is real. Exercise it.  

My daughter Kelly had been raised in MK Ultra from birth, yet still retained her birth knowledge to align with the divine when she was 2 or 3. She had been riding on an amusement part kiddie ride when her thumbs were pinched between 2 of the metal cars. One was misshapen and the other was quickly turning black. I remember it photographically it was so traumatic, and I took her off the ride to get help. She defiantly told me she wanted to ride more, and held up her little thumbs and said, “see? awl better”. I watched as one thumb straightened and color returned to the other. Under MK Ultra myself, I took it in stride and we returned to the rides. That was “normal life” for both of us, which provided deep insight into body mind and spirit capabilities when we assume healing.

While you are in this state of mind to accept healing and BE well, it is wise if concerned friends or family let you BE. To fearfully ask, “are you alright?” and “does it hurt?” brings your focus back to the injury rather than on healing. Any time Mark or I were injured, we knew better than to break healing focus by asking such questions.

 LikeWise, Mark taught me that blaming any ache or pain on outside influence gives away our inner healing power. Therefore, I didn’t complain about weather, energy weapons, or anything outside myself causing discomfort. Nor did I blame my mood on a moon cycle because that is merely an excuse to give power away from my inner capability to align with the divine and rise above potential influences.

Now that I had deprogrammed my MK Ultra past and wrote out what I had been tortured to forget by learning the ins and outs of my own mind, I freely accessed birthright information on mind, brain, body and spirit function and sustained it. My body was healthy and nourished, yet I still had to learn to think further than what I thought I knew in order to exercise free thought going forward. Since I had only followed orders the first 30 years of my life, free thought required expanding my brain firing in new ways.

Mark helped me exercise my brain by patiently waiting for me to make decisions as simple as what to have for dinner. It felt like my brain was firing into a black hole of nothingness, so I listened to my body craving and learned to form the thought. As I listened to my body and made wise nutritional choices, drank plenty of fresh water, and took time to rest, I found that my thinking was sharper and clearer which further accelerated my healing.

Mark wisely told me, “Voice no negatives without a SOULution.”  Not only did this save him from having to listen to me complain about my past, it forced me to think in new ways. My brain began firing in new, positive directions, inspiring clarity of thinking. Consider how moods affect clarity of thinking. When you are sad, for example, it is much more difficult to have clarity of thinking than when you are energized by positive motivation. Change you thought, change your mood and visa versa!

The more I exercised my brain, the more I was able to pull my head out of my past and see a future bright with promise. This positive encouragement fueled my determination to keep expanding thought beyond what I thought I knew. Besides, my past had been a lie and illusion. I was learning to see reality and needed thoughts to flow that direction!

Healing my brain was strenuous activity, and I know of no physical exercise as tiring as brain exercise.  It is a mental marathon that demands both rest and relaxation for balance. So I routinely took breaks, walked in nature, slept well at night, and reacclimated in other ways detailed in PTSD: Time to Heal. 

All of these keys opened my mind to Align with the Divine where my strength of spirit and infinite power of love allowed for full healing of my mind, brain, and body. It is indeed within us all to heal. Look within, open your mind, and discover truth that makes us free!