We are Empowered!
Did Trump lie? Or did we fail to listen?
Is it possible we could not hear “Power is returned to the People” over programming screaming in our ears for generations to give our power away to Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Cult/Occult religion?
Is it true everything we have been told is a lie? Or does truth lie somewhere in between?
As a little child losing free thought to MK Ultra mind control, I bought into the media narrative that Nixon phoned astronauts on the moon. Wanting to escape this cruel planet, it seemed I could shinny up that phone cord into outer space. Illogical? Of course. Logic is the first thing to go when conscious free thought is lost.
So is space travel a lie? Or were media images the lie?
It is easy to emotionally react to repetitive media narrative rather than critically analyze information and take response-ability to respond true-to-soul with purpose.
We are now empowered to stop snap judging and think things through.
Before you dismiss that statement, consider that our brains flow like rivers. Those rivers become entrenched when we continuously take the easy ride floating down the same path. Its easy to snap judge from that position rather than get off our innertube and swim upstream to discover new directions of thought. It is easier to snap judge someone else than it is to take action your self.
We have been empowered. Embrace it. Think further.
If I had shinnied up that phone cord into outer space, would I have found intelligent life? Would aliens be happy with us invading their space with phone cords, space junk, space trash, and space wars?
What if what George Bush said at Bohemian Grove in the 80s is true and aliens are us in the future? That we are all various species of aliens and space travel is really time travel? Should we believe repetitive media narratives trying to scare us into complying with self appointed, self anointed global leaders hellbent on using alien theme MK Ultra mind control to usher in their slave society agenda? What if they are following DARPA generated Artificial Intelligence back to their own future while trying to limit our soul wisdom so we go along with their shallow, linear trip?
We have been empowered. Think further.
Perhaps all those drones we are seeing are weapon systems of puppetmasters moving into their next level of Psychological Warfare. We can’t wait on Big Government to save us when Big Global Government is doing it to us.
So many of us are awake and aware of this reality that sheer numbers of us overrode the rigged electronic algorithms in voting machines to elect a President that would return power to the people.
We are empowered. Embrace responsibility. Think further than what you think you know.
I live in an area of the country where Global education/Common Core has failed to indoctrinate children who think free instead. As a result, children are capable of creating drones while still in kindergarten. With drones everywhere, invasiveness is not tolerated and drones are affectionately referred to as skeet around here. People take responsibility for their lives and freedom.
We are empowered.
Free speech is being returned to the people whereby many are exercising it before exercising free thought. This leads to people all over social media reacting to repetitive narrative by parroting it themselves. If it is fear based, think further.
We have to know our own truth before we can discern truth around us. It is up to each of us individually to remember who we are and why we are here. No one can heal for someone else or embrace freedom for them. We cannot make someone hear what they are not equipped to understand and grasp.
We elected a President to give us our freedom back. It is up to us- each and every one of us- to embrace that freedom. Because that is akin to swimming upstream from the easy ride we are used to, it takes time for some to dare to think to take the plunge. Its much easier to parrot fears from innertubes than it is to listen to sounds of freedom inviting us to action.
If everything you have been told is a lie, is truth the reverse?
I am extremely anti New World Order because my life’s experience in the swamp among puppetmasters under their MK Ultra mind control included being part of their funding mechanism of drug and human trafficking across open borders. CIA Clinton coke lines across our borders funded the original ground work for NAFTA as per my 1995 testimony for Congress TRANCE Formation of America.
I also know that perpeTraitors fear the strength of the human spirit and infinite power of love which are innate to our being. Mind control inhibits our ability to think to access that high vibration so contrary to their being. When we reclaim free thought, we reclaim free will soul expression. On that soul level we have compassion, know our own truth, choose how we live our life with purpose, and naturally unite in light of the strength of human spirit and infinite power of love.
This Psychological Warfare being imposed on humanity to inhibit free thought is ultimately a spiritual warfare. We win as soon as we think free, remember who we are and why we are here. Love is a global unity that makes sense.
America first. If we close our borders to New World Order funding mechanisms of drug and human trafficking, and open our hearts to uniting globally to ensure these crimes against humanity never happen again, we are empowered to protect our children.
America first. If we sell our products across open borders and bring in the best minds on the planet to help us better them, and renourish our soil in order to grow healthy food that nourishes our brains, we are freely expanding what we think we know.
America first. Why? Because We the People are who New World Order globalists fear the most. We are empowered to think free.
Did Trump lie? Or did we not listen when we were told “Power is returned to the People”? We have been empowered to think for ourselves rather than snap judge what someone else is snap judging around us.
Personally, I am going to think free of the media, social media parroting fears, and above and beyond what I think I know, to embrace higher truth. Truth is, I am not going to eat McDonalds ‘man-ufractured’ products just because fries are being served out the window by Trump. Think free people!
We elected Freedom. Time to take Office. It really is up to u.s.
We are Empowered!