“You have to forgive your abusers in order to heal,” mental hellth therapists are taught to assert to trauma survivors.
Most survivors of abuse need to forgive themselves!
Abusers notoriously threaten to kill pets or family members if the victim tells, which to the child and subconscious mind makes it the victim’s “choice” to silently permit it. It is also common that the victim is repeatedly told they are innately evil and therefore “possessed”, or are accused of dressing provocatively, or are “an old soul who wants it”, and the list goes on and on.
When trauma occurs, the conscious mind freezes in fright leaving the subconscious wide open to programming. Without a conscious mind filter and critical analysis of repetitive narrative, information is taken in without question or reason… including shame and blame. Rooted in the subconscious, this programming drives self perception, thoughts, and ultimately actions. Especially when triggered.
Mind control is a sliding scale and is as individualistic as abusive programmers and life’s traumatic experiences. The formula for mind control is the same, whether it is of an individual, classroom, nation, or the world; trauma is the basis of it. When trauma occurs, whether it is witnessed through media’s repetitive narrative, is experienced in pedophilic or occult abuse, or is DARPA level MK Ultra, the brain responds the same with heightened suggestibility. Abusers understand this and assert their agenda, always shifting blame to the victim in the course of programming.
Many survivors who have yet to heal through writing out trauma are often triggered back under control by abusers they confront to ‘forgive’ as suggested. Since they were programmed with blame, to ‘forgive’ an abuser reinforces and compounds the felony. Healing must occur first, which includes forgiving self and understanding mind control in order to have defense against it.
When I was healing from 30 years of torturous MK Ultra White House/Pentagon level mind control, I told Mark I could not live with myself after what I had been forced to do. Mark replied, “You are not responsible for what you are programmed to do under mind control- your abusers are responsible. They need to be held accountable for their actions. Now that you are aware, however, you are responsible for all your actions going forward.”
Mark’s understanding helped me to understand mind control and my abusers. Understanding allowed me to forgive myself, and realize it is up to my abusers to forgive themselves IF they choose to heal.
Catholic Confession further distorted my perception of ‘forgiveness.’ Catholics are taught to enter the Confessional booth with a priest and recite, “Forgive me father for I have sinned.” To a suggestible child raped by their father being told to refer to the pedophile priest as ‘father’ so he can intercede to ‘God the father’ is confusing, especially when sexually assaulted in the Confessional and then instructed to ask forgiveness???
I real-eyes not all Catholics are complicit in the Jesuit/CIA alliance. Yet Catholics are engrained to believe Confessed secrets are secured through the priest, with the whole Catholic Confessional thing being about secrecy. Think Mafia and the blackmail leverage trance-spiring through this ritual. Consider how this secrecy compounds control over the sexual abuse of a child instructed to ‘forgive’.
How can forgiveness stop abuse?
If I forgive my ‘father’ for his abuse, does this not allow for the perpetuation of it with other children? By forgiving myself for carrying the guilt, I gained understanding that the ‘father’ was perpetuating his own abuse. Is it not better to break the cycle all together and give voice to all other abused children who cannot think to speak for themselves?
I understand that perpeTraitors of child abuse, satanism, and mind control are low vibration dark energy who feed off fear, trauma, torture, division, and hatred. They got enough of that negative energy from me while I was under their control, and I refuse to give them any more now that I am free. By shining my light, their darkness cannot penetrate. By exuding love, their low vibration cannot reach me. This perception of energetic reality is more empowering than ‘forgiveness.’ Forgiveness felt like I was condoning the abuse and continuing to take the blame myself.
I also realized that what happened to me is not who I am. Now that I am free to live the love I am true-to-soul in light of life’s purpose, I celebrate the choice to take responsibility for my own actions.
I choose to live life’s higher vibration above and beyond bitterness, hatred, and imposed self blame and shame.
Mind control masked as a virus was unleashed on the global population for ushering in a globalist slave society agenda that has been slowly creeping in for decades. Repetitive narrative to ‘mask up’, ‘get the injection’, ‘social distance’ was everywhere we looked or went. Repetition is the most basic form of mind control. Those of us who understood that did not comply.
Those who did not have knowledge that is our defense against mind control did comply. Now they are experiencing the devastating and reverberating results of their blind compliance. While humanity was suggestible, the pedophile mind control agenda was pushed as repetitively as mind control masked as a virus.
Consider how quickly the sexualization of children morphed into trance-genderism which, like the ‘vaccines’, is a depopulation agenda.
As the Great Awakening continues to accelerate, more and more people are waking up to real-eyes they have been manipulated and deceived by those they have been conditioned to trust: Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Cult/Occult Religion.
Humanity has been giving their power away to self appointed self anointed leaders they did not elect or choose, when in reality they have had all the power within themselves all along.
These dark, negative, low vibration energy source controllers only have as much power as we give them or let them steal. It is up to each and every one of us to remember who we are and why we are here. Reclaim our power by living the love we are. Love is the most powerful force in the universe and is what these puppetmasters fear the most. Its where we win and where they lose. Game Over.
The ultimate justice against these abusers is for us to heal, forgive ourselves, and evolve with the knowledge that is our defense against mind control. Truth in deed makes us free… to forgive…ourselves.