Pedophilia Spelled Out

Sexualization of our children is a mind control agenda, with transgenderism extending into deliberate depopulation. 

Trauma is the basis of mind control, and it had been found through Hitler/Himmler research that there is no trauma more horrific on the human mind than sexual abuse of a child prior to age 5 while the brain is still forming.

This fact, brought into the US through Project Paperclip’s importation of Nazi and Fascist scientists in the wake of World War II, is a strong component of MK Ultra mind control. The scientific formula for MK Ultra is the same, whether it is of an individual, the nation, or the world. In addition to trauma, starvation of the brain through sleep, food, and water deprivation are basic components expanded on by the CIA, NASA, and DARPA for the military industrial complex to usher in what Hitler, Bush, Biden, and UNelected global leaders term New World Order.

The New World Order by any other name is a slave society agenda, which includes depopulation intended to reduce humanity’s number to a more manageable size. 

How do I know this? I was deep in the Wash DC swamp among this handful of self appointed, self anointed perpeTraitors under their MK Ultra mind control. I was exposed to many government secrets while also gaining insight into knowledge that is our defense against mind control through my personal experience.

My personal experience began at birth when I was sexually abused by my father who was carrying out multigenerational incest based perversions. Since my mother was also multigenerational incest abused, she could not think to oppose my father substituting his penis for her nipple.

As an infant, I could not think to judge what my father was doing was wrong. My brain knew and went into defense mode shutting down neuron pathways around the trauma of pain and suffocation I was experiencing. This compartmentalization of traumatic memory is then repressed deep into the subconscious so the rest of the mind can function and develop normally.

I could not think to bring to mind my father’s sexual abuse until that compartmentalized memory was triggered open to deal with his abuse again and again as needed. That compartmentalized memory only knew my father’s sexual abuse.

When my father’s sexual abuse extended into child pornography of me, my brain went into defense mode and automatically shut down neuron pathways around that event. Next time I was subjected to child pornography, that repressed memory would trigger open to deal with it again and again as needed. Pornography was all that compartmentalized part of my brain knew.

When my sexual experience expanded into being trafficked/prostituted to local politicians, law enforcement, and other men of influence at my grandfather’s Blue Masonic Lodge, more neuron pathways shut down in my brain compartmentalizing that event until triggered open again.

There is no inner-communication between compartmentalizations.  Research and logic conclude that shutting down neuron pathways in the brain prior to age 5 inhibits natural brain growth. With the brain failing to fire properly, conscious thought is lost leaving the subconscious mind defenseless and highly suggestible.

Without a conscious mind filter, the subconscious literally takes information in without reason, question, or critical analysis. Our subconscious drives our thoughts and ultimately actions. Any time any of us experiences trauma, our brains freeze in fright leaving us vulnerable to manipulation. It is imperative we learn to safeguard our free thought when personal, national, or global trauma occurs, imposed or not. 

Whatever the trauma, our brains will respond by shutting down neuron pathways until we are consciously aware of that response and override it. Again, knowledge is our defense against mind control. Awareness is the first step toward positive necessary change. With awareness comes responsibility to Protect Our Children from the imposed pedophile agenda.

Sexual abuse of a child prior to age 5 while the brain is still forming impedes developmental defenses against mind manipulation. A compliant society is being deliberately created , and our children are targeted. 

The globalist agenda is a slave society agenda. Why do you think humanity is experiencing trauma after trauma while our food supply is being genetically altered and starved of nutrients which in turn starves our brain? Why is our water fluoridated? Why are our children being sexualized in the federally funded school system? Have you given thought to this at all, or are you too exhausted from working 9 to 5 and 5 to 9 to put “food” on the table?

Trauma, combined with sleep, food, and water deprivation keep us compliant with enslavement to the point of allowing for the sexualization of our children. Additionally, it had been found through Hitler/Himmler research that after 3 generations, any knowledge base, abuse base, or belief system becomes autogenic in the brain. 

My own daughter’s MK Ultra abuse was the most horrific trauma I endured, yet I could not think to effectively protect her until after I healed. More than 3 generation have been affected by this pedophile mind control agenda, which has been going on my whole life. MK Ultra was in project mode-not experiMental-by the time I was born in 1957. 

We need to arm ourselves and each other with truth If we are to survive the onslaught of controls by a handful of self appointed, self anointed, UNelected global leaders who are not like us and do not like us.

If I can heal after my White House/Pentagon level MK Ultra mind control, we all can reclaim our free thought, free will, soul expression to overcome generations of manipulation to effectively protect our children! It is within us all to heal just as I did and evolve with knowledge that is our defense against mind control.

Our brains photographically record events surrounding trauma, especially if it is repetitive. When I mention national traumas such as 911 or the Kennedy Assassination, we all see the same images that the media fed us over and over again.  The “airplane flying into the tower” and the “single bullet” into Kennedy’s head. This is an example of how our brains photographically record events surrounding trauma.

This handful of puppetmasters in control of governments and information know these secrets. This is why they operate through secret societies, secret meetings, secret organizations, and in secrecy through censorship of our information while hiding under the 1947 National Security Act.

While deep in the swamp under their MK Ultra mind control, I was inadvertently exposed to their secrets. My photographic memory had been accessed for mind control programming so I would deliver messages to and from government leaders. These perpeTraitors thought what better way to hide their secrets than in the mind of someone who cannot think to bring them to mind until triggered? 

Triggers naturally occurring to access compartmentalized memory- such as when my mind would trigger open to deal with my fathers sexual abuse again and again as needed- were replaced with words, hand signals, or harmonic tones. These programmed triggers instilled on NASA, DARPA, and military installations would activate or harmonically vibrate neuron pathways open upon command. 

Compartmentalized memory was deliberately created through extreme torture, satanic abuse, and horrific trauma. It was then programmed photographically and locked in by trigger. My programmers never considered that I would eventually remember what I had been tortured to forget. Despite their understanding of photographic memory surrounding trauma, it never occurred to them that my brain was still recording while they discussed their secret plans for absolute control over what was left of humanity after depopulation. 

Sexual abuse of children is key, which was fueled by their need for power rather than by perversion. Since these perpeTraitors do not trust each other either, they use blackmail tapes of their sexual assault of children against each other. This is what Bohemian Grove and Epstein Island are about! Since these puppetmasters control our knowledge base, they certainly do not want us to know what they do behind the seen of their globalist slave society agenda. They fear we will rise up against them when we see the devolutionary, robotic, compliant effects of their sexualization of our children.

I experienced this pedophile blackmail mind control agenda as a very young child, having been filmed for blackmail purposes with politicians at my grandfather’s Blue Masonic Lodge and later at the Epstein Island of its time Mackinac Island Michigan. I witnessed this agenda being furthered at Bohemian Grove, the Virgin Islands, Swiss Villa Amphitheater, and numerous other places detailed in my 1995 testimony for Congress TRANCE Formation of America. My testimony, like the list of those filmed on Epstein Island, was buried under National Security.

Rather than be diverted by outcry to see Epstein’s flight logs, demand to know who was filmed on Epstein Island and who holds those films today. Blackmail archives have been kept my whole life and reveal the reality that only a handful of perpeTraitors are behind this New World Order slave society agenda being imposed today. In it inexcusable that we allow this dark negative energy force to influence our brilliant minds and lives any more! 

Secrecy has allowed for the proliferation of the pedophile mind control agenda to reach this point teetering on the destruction and enslavement of humanity. Knowledge is our defense against their mind control. We must arm ourselves and each other with this knowledge now, for the children’s sake and for the sake of future generations.. if there are to be any future generations at all. 

Truth in deed makes us free. Spread the word.